Cyprus Hope IVF Consultation


Предлагаем полный спектр услуг по лечению бесплодия и оздоровлению с первоклассным обслуживанием. Давайте заботиться о вас целиком. Узнайте факты о фертильности. Легкое бронирование встречи.

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Чтобы узнать больше о консультации по ЭКО на Кипре…

Донорство яиц

Пары часто рассматривают донорство яиц как вариант при борьбе с бесплодием.

Донорство эмбрионов

Донорство эмбрионов помогает парам создавать семьи благодаря щедрости других.

Экстракорпоральное оплодотворение

ЭКО помогает парам забеременеть, когда естественные методы не приносят успеха.

Пожертвование спермы

Пожертвование спермы позволяет отдельным лицам или парам завести детей с помощью спермы донора.

Тандемный цикл

Тандемное ЭКО сочетает яйца женщины с донорскими яйцами, чтобы повысить шансы на зачатие.


PGD (Предимплантационная генетическая диагностика) в ЭКО помогает выявлять генетические аномалии в эмбрионах перед имплантацией.


Who should seek IVF treatment?
What are the causes of infertility in women?
Check out more

Op. Dr. Zehra ONAR

Специалист по гинекологии, акушерству и ЭКО

В 2000 году я окончил среднюю школу Перtevniyal, и в том же году получил право на обучение в медицинском вузе Стамбульского университета. После завершения медицинского образования в 2006 году с третьим местом по успеваемости, я начал специализацию в области акушерства и гинекологии в том же году. В 2011 году я завершил обучение в отделении акушерства и гинекологии в Медицинском факультете Фонда Безми Алем и был назначен в Государственную больницу Игыдра Тузлука для выполнения обязательной государственной службы.

После завершения обязательного срока службы я перешел в частную практику, чтобы получить возможность работать в области «бесплодия и ЭКО», которой я давно хотел специализироваться. В 2013 году я начал работать в Группе здравоохранения Бахчечи, где три года работал акушером и гинекологом. В этот период я сосредоточился на ведении сложных пациентов ЭКО с историей повторных неудач ЭКО.

Чтобы углубить свои знания в эмбриологии, которая является одним из ключевых аспектов успеха ЭКО, я поступил в магистратуру по эмбриологии. Я завершил магистратуру в 2016 году (магистерская степень в области биотехнологии вспомогательной репродукции человека и эмбриологии; Университет IVI; Валенсийский международный университет; 2015-2016).

Я также получил сертификат по ЭКО (экстракорпоральное оплодотворение) в Стамбульском университете.

В целом, мой медицинский путь включает образование, специализацию и практический опыт в области акушерства, гинекологии и ЭКО, с акцентом на повышение успешности процедур ЭКО, особенно для пациентов с комплексными проблемами фертильности.

Шаги, которые вам нужно предпринять, чтобы стать родителем с помощью ЭКО…


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Координатор ЭКО




Координатор ЭКО



Şerife ÇETER

Координатор ЭКО




Координатор ЭКО




Координатор ЭКО



Cyprus Hope Fertility Team Z
Основываясь на 29 отзывах
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Janet PiattJanet Piatt
20:51 29 Aug 23
Over the last year I have been having treatment with Team Z and I’m currently expecting our baby early next year. I first got in contact with the clinic via the English speaking coordinator Zeren who is very friendly and was always happy to answer all of my (many!) questions with care and kindness. Dr Zehra was my doctor and was so knowledgeable and caring throughout the whole process. The hospital and nursing team are fantastic and I felt so at ease being treated there even though I always travelled alone. I could not be happier with my experience at Team Z and I recommend them to everyone looking to undergo this type of treatment.
Wendy StewartWendy Stewart
18:51 24 Aug 23
Top class!Would highly recommend Team Z. They go above and beyond.No issue is to much.They are great at keeping you calm and informed about all processes.Even helping with things unrelated to their treatment. 👍🏼
Shelley GriersonShelley Grierson
13:40 21 Jun 23
We first approached Team Z at the end of last year. So, about 8 months ago. We headed out for egg retrieval and fresh transfer in November 2022 feeling a bit nervous about what to expect. I have never been through IVF before and going abroad for it made me quite nervous! But we decided to make a holiday of it, and we did. The egg retrieval so very successful — 57 eggs. Yes you read that right. On one hand that was fantastic because I knew I probably never needed to do another retrieval again. On the other, it meant that it put me at risk of OHSS so I was required to travel back a few weeks later for the frozen transfer. I actually really appreciated this process, as disappointing as it was at the time of course, because it showed me that my health was their priority and they wouldn’t take risks with it. I had no symptoms recovering which is amazing (thank you coconut water!) and my first frozen transfer was successful — it stuck. Unfortunately, though, it ended in early misscarriage. At this stage, I was starting to overthink it a bit and panic that maybe this would never happen for me. But second transfer, stuck again. I’m sitting here today at the 12 week mark. Things that really stood out to me were: the facilities that Team Z use (at British IVF Hospital) are really impressive. As soon as I got to reception on my first day / appointment, I relaxed because I knew it was all legit and I could tell by the staff that it was a very professional setting. From that point I can honestly say I had no qualms in putting my trust in them. Dr Zehra is very honest and caring. I really really liked that I was dealing with a female doctor. Zeren my coordinator was wonderful and always a message away, which enabled us to ask and get answers quickly. The process at the hospital was very reassuring. They check both partners details at every step of the way and check you into procedures with barcodes and ensure that all of the right processes are in place. I also found that very reassuring. What else can I say that would have helped me 8 months ago? Ah — they can also organise an acupuncturist to come into the hospital for pre- and post- transfer treatment. I found that very helpful. Finally, thank you Team Z for getting us here! Our little wish is still hanging on your wish tree in the hospital reception 🙂 thank you for making it come true.
Oltjona VeshajOltjona Veshaj
09:13 12 May 23
Dr Zehra is the best ♥️ thank you for everything ♥️
Tanya CobbTanya Cobb
09:33 11 Apr 23
The whole process did not feel like a serious medical procedure but instead, a holiday. The place and the people of the country were relaxed and very generous and the people in the clinic itself embodied this attitude. Particularly, Zeren the coordinator and Dr Zahra gave a very warm welcome and always made you feel like you were the only one getting medical treatment. I went in August 2022 and will be giving birth in May 23 and for someone that is very, very mature in age, it was nothing short of a miracle. Whatever your outcome though, the whole experience, I feel, was far better than I ever expected. I hope it goes well for you too.
Kamile RukinKamile Rukin
06:48 17 Mar 23
From the first communication it was clear that I will stay with Hope fertility clinic. I had great service, caring doctor Zahren and my amazing consultant Zaren. I had successful results in the first try, which is due to clinics organisation and good timing
Johanna PanhorstJohanna Panhorst
15:50 10 Nov 22
Dr. Zehra and my Coordinator Zeren were always friendly, helpfull and warm hearted. They have many knowledge and experiences in this whole IVF topic and are always there to give good advices. They wrote individual protocols which fit exactly to my individual medical requirements. They work very professional and reliable. The clinic is very clean, modern and with a high medical equipment. All the nurses were very friendly and engaged. We did two collections to have a healthy backup and it seems like we were successful with the first frozen transfer.
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