Cyprus Hope IVF Consultation

Infertility, also known as sterility, is the condition where there is no pregnancy despite regular and unprotected sexual intercourse for one year, or if pregnancy occurs but never results in a live birth. About 80% of couples achieve pregnancy within the first year of trying, and by the end of three years, approximately 85-90% of couples achieve pregnancy. Therefore, infertility is a health issue that affects about 10-15% of couples, even though there may be societal differences.

Young couples are especially advised to undergo initial evaluations, and explaining the above-mentioned success rates to them, in turn this can help reduce unnecessary stress and financial burden with added treatment.

There is no need to wait for one year to start testing and treatment when a known problem is detected in couples (for example, women with irregular menstrual cycles, women with advanced age, women with reduced egg reserve, hormonal imbalances, uterine problems such as fibroids, polyps, or conditions that could interfere with pregnancy, blockages in the fallopian tubes, severe male sperm count, motility, or structural abnormalities, and couples unable to engage in sexual intercourse).

In older couples, especially when the woman is over 35, a different approach is needed. If such couples fail to conceive after six months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse, it is advisable to consult with an experienced specialist without delay.

Conditions Where Waiting for 1 Year for Spontaneous Pregnancy is Not Necessary:

  • Women with irregular periods
  • Advanced age in women
  • Women with diminished ovarian reserve
  • Detection of hormonal imbalances
  • Women with uterine problems (such as fibroids, polyps, or myomas that could interfere with pregnancy)
  • Women with tubal blockages or other issues affecting the sperm and egg meeting
  • Severe deficiencies in sperm count, motility, or structure
  • Couples unable to engage in sexual intercourse